Telegram will finally launch group video calls feature in May
Telegram become one of the most popular messaging app to connect with everyone after WhatsApp updated its privacy policy. Telegram is continuously working on adding the latest and unique features to its app. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that the iOS version of Telegram will be updated to support group video calls in May. They originally planned to add that feature last year but never materialized. Telegram at least added one on one video call feature last year in August.
There is a dedicated area at the top of the voice chat window to show a video feed of the person who is speaking. There is a list of active participants with a mic button beside each of their profiles in the middle. Screen sharing, encryption, noise-canceling, desktop and tablet support — everything you can expect from a modern video conferencing tool, but with Telegram-level UI, speed, and encryption.
Telegram already offers end-to-end encryption on its one on one video calling, but the company hasn't confirmed it yet. Its direct competitor WhatsApp actually beat Telegram to offering end-to-end encrypted group video calls. The company added group video and voice calling in 2018.
Telegram has grown significantly over the pandemic, taking advantage of the shift to working from home and the general desire to stay connected securely. Taking about its release, it will be released with an update sometime in May.
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