Zoom introduces end-to-end encryption for its cloud phone service

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  • Aug 12,2022
  • 1 min read
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Video conferencing app Zoom has announced it plans to bring end-on-end encryption to its phone(cloud) services Zoom phone and will soon be available on Breakout rooms.

The company asserted that users now will now be able to upgrade to end-to-end encryption during ongoing Zoom Phone calls between users on the same Zoom account that occur via the Zoom client." We are thrilled to expand our end-to-end encryption feature to both Breakout Rooms and Zoom Phone  -- two more ways you can use Zoom to achieve secure and seamless communication," the platform declared in a blog post.

During a Zoom call, people can select" More" and also check an option to elevate the session to an end-on-end encrypted zoom call. The upgrade takes up an alternate and advances the sequestration of your phone calls placed over Zoom.
When enabled, end-to-end encryption will give that the call is translated using cryptographic keys known only to the devices of the caller and receiver. also, users can corroborate E2EE status by furnishing a unique security code to one another.


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