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Over 3 million attacks on Cloud user McAfee Report: COVID-19 themed cyber-attack

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  • Apr 22,2025
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According to the report, this data set represents companies in all major industries across the globe, including financial services, healthcare, public sector, education, retail, technology, manufacturing, energy, utilities, legal, real estate, transportation, and business services. 

While COVID-themed ransomware and phishing attacks on people are rising rapidly, over 9,000 coronavirus-themed attacks were noticed in India last year. “Though a large percentage of employees grew more proficient and productive in working remotely, enterprises endured more opportunistic COVID-19 related campaigns among a new cast of bad-actor schemes. 

 As per reports, miscreants taking advantage of the pandemic outbreak have targeted mostly the working sector with ‘phishing lures and malware. The cybersecurity firm released the McAfee Threats Report: April 2021, examining cybercriminal activity related to the malware and the evolution of cyber threats in the third and fourth quarters of 2020.

As per the MacAfee Threats report, mobile malware grew 118 percent in Q4 2020, in part due to a surge in SMS Reg samples. "Furthermore, ransomware and malware targeting vulnerabilities in work-related apps and processes were active and remain dangerous threats capable of taking over networks and data, while costing millions in assets and recovery costs.”

The technology sector was heavily targeted during Q4 of 2020, with McAfee observing a 100% rise in publicly reported cyber incidents against this industry. A similar rate of increase (93%) was seen in the public sector.

The HiddenAds, Clicker, MoqHao, HiddenApp, Dropper, and FakeApp strains were the most detected mobile malware families. The malware was the most reported cause of security incidents in Q4, followed by account hijackings, targeted attacks, and vulnerabilities.


As organizations the world over adapted to unprecedented numbers of employees working from home, cybercriminals worked feverishly to launch COVID-19-themed attacks on a workforce coping with pandemic restrictions and the potential vulnerabilities of the remote device and bandwidth security.  McAfee observed nearly 3.1 million external attacks on cloud user accounts. This is based on the aggregation and anonymization of cloud usage data from more than 30 million McAfee MVISION cloud users worldwide during the fourth quarter of 2020.

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