Arduino Traffic light control

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  • Feb 21,2025
  • 2 min read
  • 3
  • 3.46 thousand Views

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects. In this post, We will learn to create a simple traffic light control system using the Arduino microcontroller board.

Components Required- 

1. Arduino Board 

2. 3x LEDs - (Red, Yellow and Green)

3. 3x 220ohms Resistor 

4. Connection Wires 

Connections - 

1. Connect the +ve terminal of the Red LED to the Pin 10 through a 220ohm resistor and the -ve terminal to GND.

2. Connect the +ve terminal of the Yellow LED to the Pin 9 through a 220ohm resistor and the -ve terminal to GND.

3. Connect the +ve terminal of the Green LED to the Pin 8 through a 220ohm resistor and the -ve terminal to GND.

Circuit Schematic - 

Breadboard image




The microcontroller triggers the LEDs On/Off according to the uploaded code. In the code given below, 

1. pinMode( 10, OUTPUT); - It declares the pin as OUTPUT pin.

2. Delay(1000); - this causes a delay of 1 second ( 1000 = 1 seconds) 

3. digitalWrite( 10, HIGH/LOW); - This turns the pin to HIGH/LOW accordingly.

Code - 


* Made by Nishant_Kr*
void setup() {
  pinMode(8,OUTPUT); // Set on Output mode 
  pinMode(9,OUTPUT); // Set on Output mode
  pinMode(10,OUTPUT);// Set on output mode
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);          // Set on HIGH as ON 
  delay(5000);                 // 5 seconds delay                
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);           // Set on LOW as OFF
  digitalWrite(9,HIGH);            // Set on HIGH as ON
  delay(1500);                 // 1.5 seconds delay 
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);            // Set on LOW as OFF
  digitalWrite(8,HIGH);            // Set on HIGH as ON
  delay(5000);                 // 5 seconds delay 
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);            // Set on LOW as OFF                    

An asset to GizMeek


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