YouTube Hides 'Dislike' Counts to Protect Creators

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  • Nov 13,2025
  • 2 min read
  • 10

YouTube blazoned Wednesday the census of "dislike" clicks on vids will no longer be visible to the public to cover generators from importunity and targeted attacks.

A public count of likes — or dislikes — that social media posts rack up is regularly cited by critics as dangerous to well-being, and Facebook, as well as Instagram, have allowed users to conclude out.

 Users on the Google-possessed videotape- participating platform will still be suitable to click on the" dislike" button below a clip, but they will no longer see the negative review count.

"To ensure that YouTube promotes regardful relations between observers and generators. we experimented with the dislike button to see whether or not changes could help better cover our generators from importunity, and reduce dislike attacks, "YouTube said in a statement.

"Our trial data showed a reduction in dislike attacking geste."

Content generators — the social media stars who draw crowds online — will be suitable to see the number of thumbs-down icons their clips evoke.

YouTube said lower scale or new generators reported being unfairly targeted in attacks, where people work to drive up the number of dislikes on vids.

The changes at YouTube come as major social networks and videotape platforms are constantly indicted by lawgivers, controllers, and trolls for not doing enough to fight online importunity.

Facebook is battling one of its most serious reputational heads ever, driven by blurted internal documents showing directors knew of the implicit detriment of their platforms.

The exposures from the leaks by former Facebook hand Frances Haugen have put fresh motivation behind the talk of regulating Big Tech companies.

Solicitude about Facebook's implicit detriment has been revealed over to other platforms with TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube trying to move US legislators in a hail last month that they were safe for their youthful users.

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