Telegram Premium launched at ₹469/month
Telegram is a free, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging service. The service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features. To compete with other top messaging apps like Viber, Whatsapp, and Slack it has rolled out Telegram premium, a paid subscription service targeted at its most dedicated users. The new addition Offers an ad-free interface and features such as increased upload sizes and groups, dedicated stickers, and verification badges for paid members. Currently launched as Telegram 8.8 on Apple app store but not yet available for android users, but we expect it to be live on google play store soon.
Telegram Premium key features
Increased maximum size of file transfer and allows users to transfer files with up to 4GB in size compared to 2GB as in the free version, impressive download speeds for attached media and files, Users will be able to save 400 GIFs and 10 favourite stickers, Premium members will get a 1000-channel and larger group limit and can pin up to 10 chats, while non-premium users have a 500 channel limit and can pin up to 10 chats as compared to 5 chats earlier. On top of a premium sticker collection, the premium tier will also add a premium badge on the profile of its users.
Highlights of new Add-ons
- Stickers with full-screen animation
- Sending files up to 4GB each
- Converting voice messages to text messages
- Premium badges
- Animated profile picture
- No ads
- Better bots
- Verification badges in chats
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