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How to Restore Deleted Instagram Post

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  • Mar 27,2024
  • 1 min read
  • 6
  • 1.86 thousand Views

Instagram gradually improves over time. There are many features that were included in the updates. Recently we have seen vanish mode, which is a kind of private chat feature. For this part of the write-up, we are concerned about the "restoring deleted post" feature of Instagram. This is a really nice approach by Instagram. There are times when you delete your post and then realize that the amount of work you had put in was in the right direction. But you have already deleted the post. So, here is how you can easily restore deleted Instagram posts without any third-party application.

How to restore deleted Instagram Posts

From Instagram, you have a grace period of 30 days, during which you can restore any deleted post, reels, IGTV post. This means you can restore everything that you have deleted in the last 30 days.

1. Open Instagram and Go to Settings

How to Restore Deleted Instagram Post

2. Open Account and go to Recently Deleted

How to Restore Deleted Instagram Post

3. Now open the post you want to restore, and go to the 3 dot menu on bottom left corner.

How to Restore Deleted Instagram Post

4. Click "Restore", else delete if you want to permanently delete your post. In case you might be asked to fill in the OTP that you will receive on Email ID.

How to Restore Deleted Instagram Post

These are the few basics steps by which you can easily restore deleted Instagram Posts. In case if you need to look at some cool Instagram Tricks that you can use to check out the video.

A Computer Science Graduate. I am a normal person with abnormal ideas.
"Create the difference and be the change you want to see."


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