
Apple Shot on iPhone is Live Globally!

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  • Feb 22,2025
  • 1 min read
  • 22
  • 1.22 thousand Views

Apple has just released a macro print. “Taken with iPhone “The challenge for 2022.

As always, Apple encourages shutterbugs, amateurs, and professionals to submit stylish macro photography, anyhow of their photography chops.

To apply, simply partake your macro print with the hashtag on Instagram, Twitter, and Weibo, #ShotoniPhoneWhen #iPhonemacrochallenge.

Actors can shoot prints directly from the camera or edit them using print app tools or third-party software.

The prints will be judged by a group of 10 judges from all over the world. 25- time-old Singaporean shooter Yik Keat (@yk) was named as one of the judges. Despite being youthful, he has worked with brands similar to Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Adidas, and Porsche.

This means that the contest is limited to iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max possessors only. This is because they're the only iPhones with macro capabilities. Using the new ultra-wide camera, these two models allow druggies to take filmland from a distance of 2 cm.

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