
Apple A16 SoC Chips Delayed

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  • Nov 20,2025
  • 3 min read
  • 14

Several iPhone 14 rumors are spreading throughout the internet, including the chip upgrade from the current A15 of iPhone 13 to the A16 Bionic chip – which claims to be the fastest among all Apple bias introduced. Still, a recent report revealed that the chip manufacturer of the tech mammoth struggles to uphold these upgrade prospects.

iPhone 14 Chip Upgrade Insolvable?

The Cupertino- grounded technology company is gradationally shifting the whole Mac lineup from Intel- grounded computers to its custom Apple silicon, per WCC Tech. Lately, Apple introduced two MacBook Pro models, similar to the 14- inch and 16- inch variants, which are equipped with new M1 Pro and M1 Max chips. Through the new chips that the MacBook has, the rearmost variants deliver enhanced performance beating the Intel-grounded laptops that they've released in history.

Away from the MacBook chip shift, the tech mammoth also extended the change to the iPhones and iPads. The pot behind this remarkable transition is the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC).

Since several rumors about the chip upgrade for iPhone 14 circulates the internet, it's worth noting that TSMC is reportedly floundering to shift the manufacturing from the current 5 nanometers (nm) chip to 3nm, which means that there's a possibility that the chip change enterprises won't do.

For background information, the suspected 3nm chips for iPhone 14 are anticipated to produce an important and effective processor without drastically adding its size.

“The corollary of TSMC’s struggles is that the iPhone’s processor will be stuck on the same chip manufacturing process for three successive times, including coming time, for the first time in its history, according to an analysis by The Information of Apple’s former chips. That could in turn cause some guests to put off upgrading their bias for another time and give Apple’s challengers a bit further time to catch up,” The Information report fostered.

Despite the reported detainments, TSMC is still anticipated to be the first chipmaker to have 3nm defeating the other chip manufacturer similar to Intel and Qualcomm.

On the other hand, the fiscal relationship between the chip manufacturer and the tech mammoth is said to be interdependent. According to reports, Apple reckoned for a quarter of the company’s total profit of about$ 50 billion last time, which represents a significant increase from the total profit of further than$ 20 billion in 2013 when the two companies first began uniting.

iPhone 14 Design Concept Looks Really Cool

In a former report, the rearmost conception design for iPhone 14 proposes a sliding screen that could be a major upgrade for the device since Apple introduced the iPhone to the request.

Since it's a sliding- screen, the proposed iPhone conception would have a binary- screen, in which the alternate screen could be a space for the keyboard of the Apple device. This only means that this is ideal for iPhone druggies who spend a lot of time typing.

Some may find the sliding screen conception unsurprising since the mobile phone models in 2006 introduced this idea first, but if this proposed idea is accepted, this could be the first time that the tech mammoth could produce an iPhone with a sliding screen.

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