
Google Play Pass launched in India | Access to many Apps and Games

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  • Feb 28,2022
  • 1 min read
  • 23
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We have seen Games Pass that let the users to have access to variety of games at lower prices, one such example is XBox Game Pass. Similar concept is now being followed by Google for Google Play Store.

Google has released Play Pass in India, having a subscription of INR 99 per month or 899 per year. The first month is free for recurring subscription members. Alternatively, you can purchase a one-month subscription for INR 109 prepaid fee. Family access is also present and you can share upto 5 members.

Google Play Pass

Google Play Pass is a subscription based plan from Google that procides access to over 1000 apps and games present on Google Play Store. As soon as the subscription got activated, user can download and use any of these apps and games till the subscription is active. In the active subscription, there will be no ads or in-app purchases.

The Play Pass will be available in India by this week, and can be activated via Google Play Store on Android Devices.

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