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Best ways to improve smartphone Battery Life  

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  • Jul 20,2025
  • 2 min read
  • 6

Smartphones have come a long way over the last few years when it comes to design, camera, or even processing power. However, we have not seen many breakthroughs when it comes to battery technology. That said, here we have listed some lesser-known tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your smartphone battery.

1. Dark Mode

Dark Mode is a supplemental mode that can be used to display mostly dark surfaces on the UI. The design reduces the light emitted by device screens while maintaining the minimum color contrast ratios required for readability. It depends on people to people, but Dark mode looks more elegant and unique. More importantly, studies suggest that Dark themes can reduce eye strain in low light conditions as there is a good contrast between the text and the background. If you want the reading pane to be white, then one can do that by clicking on the Turn on the lights mode.

2. Reduce Screen Brightness

Anyone who wants to reduce the Android screen brightness lower than the minimum default limit should install the Night screen app without wasting any time. It applies an overlay filter that acts as a screen light dimmer to provide relief from eye pain at the time of night.

3. Remove or Freeze Unwanted Apps

Uninstall or Delete Unwanted Apps from Android Phone. There are 2 simple methods to remove an app from your Android Smartphone. You can either remove an app from your main screen using the drag and drop option or you can uninstall it via visiting the settings. Go To Phone Settings. Tap On Apps (Under Device). Tap on an App that You Want to Remove.

4. Don't use Live Wallpapers

Live wallpapers are essentially one of those things that can spice up the experience of having an Android smartphone. They can be interactive, give you a 4D experience, and more. However, not everything is positive when it comes to living wallpapers. Basically, the major downside of having a live wallpaper is faster battery consumption.

5. Power Saving Tip

Power saving mode When a smartphone is used a lot, its battery runs down quickly. The battery capacity also decreases with time, so the older your smartphone is, the faster the battery discharges. Power saving mode in Yandex Browser for Mobile saves your battery charge and gives you one extra hour of smartphone use.

I'm a Computer Science graduate, likes to do ordinary work in an extraordinary manner. I'm quite creative, a workaholic. I regularly used analyze new research, development, innovation by tech giants. I'm interested in Machine learning, Data Science along with research work applications on them & solving puzzles, quizzes.


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