
Google Docs, Sheets and Slides are not Free from next year, will count from Gmail Storage

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  • Nov 22,2025
  • 2 min read
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Google Docs, Slides and Sheets are some major professional tools used by people to get their work done easily. At present, the storage consumed by them has not counted anywhere, you can create unlimited Doc, Slides and sheets using these tools. Alongside Google Photos, Google has also announced a revision to its storage policy for your Google account. Starting June 1, 2021, new Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard files will count towards your account’s free 15GB storage. Same as the case of Google Photos, files uploaded before JUNE 2021 will not be counted towards the 15GB Storage. Any changes that you will make after the date, will be counted towards your 15GB Storage.

For example: Suppose you have total files of size 15GB, if you edit any of your document, the size will increase. This file now is counted under the 15GB storage.

There is an update on how Google will work with inactive accounts. If you haven't used any of the Google services since last 2 years, Google will delete all you account data, but it will also send you emails to remind for the same. You can manage this easily just operating any of the Google Service periodically.

#NOTE: Google will delete all your content in Gmail, Google Drive, and Photos if you’ve been over your storage quota for 2 years. You can read on the official Google Blog here. Google Storage Policy.

People are now using over 4.2 Million GB of Data across Gmail, Drive, and Photos every day. According to Google, the revision is to offer a ‘great storage experience and to keep pace with the growing demand.’

A Computer Science Graduate. I am a normal person with abnormal ideas.
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