
Speed Hack Android (Speed Up Slow Android Phone)

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  • Dec 27,2025
  • 3 min read
  • 1.3 thousand
  • 31.72 thousand Views

All of us use Android devices. We have many options for Android. From the starting of Android, it gets tonnes of enhancement till now. You can see the History of Android and know changes in every edition. At present we have high configurations as of desktop. by High configuration, we point to RAM, CPU, GPU, Internat Memory etc. Having such high configuration we can still feel some lags and issues after a couple of years of using the device. There are many factors that affect the performance of Android in the long-term. The main factor for a slow phone is apps. They are crucial for us but at the same time they can slow down your Android device. So, we have listed some ways to speed up your Android or Speed Hack Android which would make Android Device fast and fluid.

With more and more high-performance and graphics-intensive Android apps and games being launched. The limited memory capacity of the smartphone leaves them behind. Thus, more and more smartphone brands are launching handsets with 6GB or 8GB RAM. While buying a smartphone with more RAM is definitely a way to get a smoother experience. There are many Android users who cannot afford to do so. Also, there are ways to identify memory-intensive apps. You can either kill the apps or even uninstall them to speed up your Android phone. This can further save your battery and also increase its efficiency.

It is not the case, only heavy games are responsible for slow Android performance Facebook, Instagram, Messenger installed simultaneously are also responsible. These Apps tend to use more of your Android smartphone resources.

Speed Hack Android [No Root]

1. Disable those Apps which you use less frequently.
2. Watch your RAM consumption by installed Apps.
3. Install Apps only from the Google Play Store.
4. Whatever be your total storage, try to keep at least 2GB of free space.
5. Do not use any antivirus application on your phone it may slow down your device instead of making it fast moreover, Android is a Linus based Operating System so no virus can harm your system unless you download an application from an untrusted source (not from Google Play Store) and have a rooted device.
6. Never kill an application running in the background, as they help in reducing the reopening time for the application.
7. Never root your device if cannot handle the root permissions properly. Though rooting and using Custom ROMS can provide you with better performance. See Custom ROM Guide.
8. Never use a RAM cleaner, they clean your RAM by killing all background apps including system services, as the system needs them it keeps on opening the closed processes which consume a lot of resources of your System.

For basic settings of Android: Go To Settings -> Storage, Go To Settings -> Apps to check storage and RAM usage respectively.

Speed Hack Android [Root Methods]

If you have a rooted device, then are many ways to improve your experience and speed hack android easily. There are several custom ROMs out there which will provide you with better experience than stock.

Things that you can try if your device is rooted to speed hack android.

  1. Try out different ROMs for your device
  2. Try out Different Kernels for your devices
  3. Try some Kernel Auditors to tweak performance.
  4. Play with some System Profilers Governers.

We are not explaining each and every step involved in the root method as it will be different for different devices. Though If you want any particular guide do comment down and we will surely publish it.

These are some basic things that you can do to increase your Android Performance. For advanced users, those who want more settings to play with can see our article Increase Android Performance. In this, we have listed some developer options which you can play with to increase your performance.

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A Computer Science Graduate. I am a normal person with abnormal ideas.
"Create the difference and be the change you want to see."


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