
VLC Keyboard Shortcuts

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  • May 16,2021
  • 4 min read
  • 12
  • 1.79 thousand Views

VLC is a great multimedia player. It helps in playing a majority of media files present on the internet. It does offer a variety of features for the same, but have ever wondered, what if you know the shortcuts for some common tasks? Having a knowledge of various shortcuts of VLC would surely make your entertainment better.

The best part of VLC shortcuts is, there are mainly one key binds for a majority of tasks. The list goes like this.

Function macOS Windows / Linux
Fullscreen Cmd +f f
Exit fullscreen Esc Esc
Play/pause Spacebar Spacebar
Pause only Not set by default Media pause
Play only Not set by default Media play
Faster Cmd + = +
Slower Cmd + –
Normal rate Not set by default =
Faster (fine Not set by default ]
Slower (fine) Not set by default [
Next Cmd + -> n
Previous Cmd + <- p
Stop Cmd s
Position t t
Very short backwards jump Cmd + Ctrl + <- Shift + <-
Very short forward jump Cmd + Ctrl + -> Shift + ->
Short backwards jump Cmd + Opt + <- Alt + <-
Short forward jump Cmd + Opt + -> Alt + ->
Medium backwards jump Cmd + Shift + <- Ctrl + <-
Medium forward jump Cmd + Shift + -> Ctrl + ->
Long backwards jump Cmd + Shift + Opt + <- Ctrl + Alt + <-
Long forward jump Cmd + Shift + Opt + -> Ctrl + Alt + ->
Next frame e e
Activate Enter Enter
Navigate up Up Up
Navigate down Down Down
Navigate left <- <-
Navigate right -> ->
Go to the DVD menu Ctrl + m Shift + m
Select previous DVD title Ctrl + p Shift + o
Select next DVD title Ctrl + n Shift + b
Select previous DVD chapter Ctrl + u Shift + p
Select next DVD chapter Ctrl + d Shift + n
Quit Cmd + q Ctrl + q
Volume up Cmd + Up Ctrl + Up
Volume down Cmd + Down Ctrl + Down
Mute Cmd + Opt + Down m
Subtitle delay up j h
Subtitle delay down h g
Subtitle sync/bookmark audio timestamp Shift + h Shift + h
Subtitle sync/bookmark subtitle timestamp Shift + j Shift + j
Subtitle sync/synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps Shift + k Shift + k
Subtitle sync/reset audio & subtitle synchronization Cmd + Shift + k Ctrl + Shift + k
Audio delay up g k
Audio delay down f j
Cycle audio track l b
Cycle through audio devices Shift + a Shift + a
Cycle subtitle track in reverse order Opt + s Alt + v
Cycle subtitle track s v
Toggle subtitles Shift + s Shift + v
Cycle next program Service IDx x x
Cycle previous program Service ID Shift + x Shift + x
Cycle source aspect ratio a a
Cycle video crop c c
Toggle autoscaling o o
Increase scale factor Opt + o Alt + o
Decrease scale factor Opt + Shift + o Alt + Shift + o
Toggle deinterlacing d d
Cycle deinterlace modes Shift + d Shift + d
Show controller in fullscreen i i
Context menu Menu Menu
Take video snapshot Cmd + Opt + s Shift + s
Record Cmd + Shift + r Shift + r
Zoom z z
Un-zoom Shift + z Shift + z
Toggle Wallpaper mode in video output Not set by default w
Crop one pixel from the top of the video Opt + i Alt + r
Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video Opt + Shift + i Alt + Shift + r
Crop one pixel from the left of the video Opt + j Alt + d
Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video Opt + Shift + j Alt + Shift + d
Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video Opt + k Alt + c
Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video Opt + Shift + k Alt + Shift + c
Crop one pixel from the right of the video Opt + l Alt + f
Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video Opt + Shift + l Alt + Shift + f
Random Cmd + z r
Normal/Loop/Repeat Shift + l l
Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360) Not set by default Page Up
Expand the viewpoint field of view (360) Not set by default Page Down
1:4 quarter Not set by default Alt + 1
1:2 half Cmd + 0 Alt + 2
1:1 original Cmd + 1 Alt + 3
2:1 double Cmd + 2 Alt + 4
Set playlist bookmark 1 Cmd + F1 Ctrl + F1
Set playlist bookmark 2 Cmd + F2 Ctrl + F2
Set playlist bookmark 3 Cmd + F3 Ctrl + F3
Set playlist bookmark 4 Cmd + F4 Ctrl + F4
Set playlist bookmark 5 Cmd + F5 Ctrl + F5
Set playlist bookmark 6 Cmd + F6 Ctrl + F6
Set playlist bookmark 7 Cmd + F7 Ctrl + F7
Set playlist bookmark 8 Cmd + F8 Ctrl + F8
Set playlist bookmark 9 Not set by default Ctrl + F9
Set playlist bookmark 10 Not set by default Ctrl + F10
Play playlist bookmark 1 F1 F1
Play playlist bookmark 2 F2 F2
Play playlist bookmark 3 F3 F3
Play playlist bookmark 4 F4 F4
Play playlist bookmark 5 F5 F5
Play playlist bookmark 6 F6 F6
Play playlist bookmark 7 F7 F7
Play playlist bookmark 8 F8 F8
Play playlist bookmark 9 Not set by default F9
Play playlist bookmark 10 Not set by default F10
Clear the playlist Not set by default Ctrl + w
Reset subtitles text scale Cmd + 0 Ctrl + 0
Scale down subtitles text Cmd + Scroll up Ctrl + Scroll up
Scale-up subtitles text Cmd + Scroll down Ctrl + Scroll down

This is the list of shortcuts for the majority of tasks that you can do in VLC. Hope this will help you out.

A Computer Science Graduate. I am a normal person with abnormal ideas.
"Create the difference and be the change you want to see."


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