
Microsoft Defender app launched for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS

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  • Jun 22,2022
  • 1 min read
  • 22

The Microsoft Defender app has just been released. This new programme, which should not be confused with Windows Defender, will be accessible on the top four popular platforms.

Microsoft Defender App for Individuals Goes Out of Preview -

The most popular computer and mobile platforms—Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS—will all support the new Microsoft Defender software.

With the intention of offering defence against local and internet dangers, this new programme will be a component of the company's Microsoft 365 service.

This app was created by Microsoft to be a user-friendly security solution for all of your devices. The built-in or third-party antivirus on your computer will coexist with the Defender on both Windows and Mac. Additionally, it might protect you from online phishing scams.


The Defender for Android smartphones will include a built-in antivirus programme with a malware scanning for both recently installed and legacy apps. Also incorporated is web protection.

Since iOS devices can only handle online protection, the functionality set is as expected very constrained.

The app will display the security status and notifications from all the other devices where you have the app installed so you can quickly comprehend what's going on.

The Microsoft Defender is available for download via the company's official website, the Google Play Store, and the Apple App Store.

An Asset to Gizmeek


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