
BGMI With Cricket Rewards In India: Power Play Event

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  • May 19,2022
  • 2 min read
  • 14

Krafton has decided to gift its players a free, permanent cricket shirt in honour of the 2022 Indian Premier League through the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) Power Play Event. BGMI players will be able to receive permanent gifts such as a cricket jersey, a fluffy rabbit headgear, coupon scraps for vintage items, supply crates, RP credits, and much more during the event.

BGMI Power Play Event: Highlights

To earn the exclusive costume, as well as the bonuses, players must gather "Cricket Bats," a special in-game resource obtained by completing challenges. The two hurdles required to win "Cricket Bats" are "Keep Swimming" and "Power Play Battle."

Completing the necessary hurdles in these games will provide players with cricket bats, which may be sold for a range of items such as the Cricket Jersey, the Fluffy Rabbit Set, and others. Once players have gathered enough "Bats" to obtain the cricket shirt, they can do so through the game's BGMI Power Play menu.


  • Keep Swimming: Swim 30 Metres in Classic Mode Every Day (1 Bat)
  • Keep Swimming: Swim 10 Metres in Classic Mode Every Day (1 Bat)
  • Play Classic Mode in Power Play Battle-25 Times (50 Bats)
  • Play Classic Mode in Power Play Battle-15 Times (30 Bats)
  • Play Classic Mode in Power Play Battle-5 Times (10 Bats)


  • Supply Crate Coupon Scrap 5 Bats
  • 1 Classic Crate Coupon Scrap – 10 Bats
  • 50 RP – 20 Bats
  • Fluffy Rabit Set of 100 Bats
  • Cricket Jersey – 100 Bats


Completing these trials will provide players enough bats to collect the aforementioned prizes. Because the BGMI Power Play Event ends on May 25, bats can only be claimed until then.

An Asset to Gizmeek


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